As a percussionist, composer and performer, I integrated in a intuitive way researches into the influence of sounds over our psychological, physical and emotional states. Throughout the daily practice of meditation (body scan or Vipassana technique), I started to observe the changes of my own perspective towards the « outside world », as well as my relationship to environment and to the other beings (human or non-human). With the piece BODIES CAN, my aim is to create a link between sound art, meditation and environmental issues.
This project consists in re-creating - by the mean of a digital sound installation and an immersive solo performance- real ecosystems in which all individuals (sound modules and each person in the audience) interact, inter-feed and learn to co-exist in a determined place, so as to co-create countless links and interferences, fusions and dis-fusion, harmony and disharmony. We will attempt to observe what could be a fair and reasonable presence in a given ecosystem, and thereby to reexamine the possibility of a balance between human beings and their environment.
+33 674 76 42 32