MeTaL-O-PHoNe is inspired by jazz, gamelan, rock, improvised music and repetitive music. It is above all a unique and atypical group sound! A broad, powerful and hovering sound. The resonances of the percussion, the electro-acoustic pathways of the vibraphone, the roundness and the power of the double bass-drums make us imagine a raw malleable sound material, like the hot metal, which extends, densifies, divides and becomes timeless ... MeTaL-O-PHoNe was elected Jazz group migration in 2011 by the AFIJMA network, and is also part of the groups selected by the European program 12 points to shoot in Europe until April 2013. After about sixty concerts and a first album released in 2010, MeTaL-O-PHoNe returns with a second opus "KOSMOS" released in September 2013.
Benjamin Flament : vibraphone
Joachim Florent : contrebasse
Elie Duris : batterie